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前沿         Frontiers

8       办公建筑节能设计中的自适应热舒适研究综述等


创新         Innovation

16     高效变频压缩机和变频电机关键技术研究


论文         Articles


18     房间空气调节器国家标准GB/T 7725的修订解析

         Analysis of the revision of GB/T 7725 for room air conditioners

25     非均匀来流条件下风管机C型翅片换热特性研究

         Research on heat transfer characteristics of the C-type fin in duct-type air conditioners under non-uniform airflow

30     导风板对空调风量及室内气流组织影响的研究

         Study on the influence of air deflector on air volume and indoor air distribution of air conditioning

34     多联机高温制冷启停动态运行特性实验研究

         Experimental study on the on-off dynamic behavior of variable refrigerant flow system in cooling mode with high temperature

40     空气源热泵无感化霜实验研究

         Experimental study on non frost effect of air source heat pump

45     旋转式压缩机橡胶垫减振系统分析及稳健性设计

         Robust design and analysis of vibration damping system on rubber pad of rotary compressor

50     1.5匹R290空调系统制冷剂充注量的研究

         Research of R290 refrigerant charge on 1.5 HP air conditioning system

56     壁挂式空调器热胀冷缩异响的产因及解决方案

         The causes and solutions of heat expansion cold contraction and abnormal sound of wall-mounted air conditioner



60     冰箱变频IPM控制器热沉传热分析与优化

         Heat transfer analysis of frequency conversion IPM controller heat sink for refrigerator

64     风冷冰箱电动风门减振降噪技术研究

         Research on vibration and noise reduction technology of electric damper of air cooled refrigerator

69     冰箱制冷系统布局设计研究

         Study on the layout design of refrigerator refrigeration system

74     基于迁移学习的室内小样本声源定位方法研究

         Indoor small sample sound source localization method based on transfer learning

80     基于IVMD-SVM的冰箱声振故障诊断方法

         Diagnosis method of refrigerator acoustic vibration fault based on IVMD-SVM

84     往复式真空泵管道噪声抑制技术研究

         Noise suppression of reciprocating vacuum pump pipelines

88     一种效率优化的高频PFC控制方法

         An efficiency optimized high frequency PFC control method

92     磁共振式无线电能传输系统电路的设计与实现

         Design and realization of the circuit of magnetic resonance wireless power transmission system

98     气体传感器在智能家电中的应用进展

         A review of gas sensors in smart home appliances

104  洗涤液浓度识别方法的研究及应用

         Research and application of washing solution concentration identification method

108  聚能环对燃烧器性能影响的分析与研究

         Research on the influence of energy collecting ring on the performance of burner

114  基于BP神经网络预测某空气净化器环境电压的研究

         Prediction of ambient voltage of an air purifier based on BP neural network

118  多联机配管长度在线评估算法及实验验证

         Algorithm of suction line length online evaluation for multi-unit air conditioners and experimental validation


专利         Patents   

122  第二十三届中国专利奖  家电企业获奖专利选登


数据         Statistics 

126  2022年10-11月家电及上游行业产销数据月度简析

